- 双语例句 更多例句
SOD . The idea that some cigarettes are healthier than others is a whole lot of malarkey.
Pour a whole lot of cold water over the rice, and bung it in the oven.
Dey Cookie'lows a whole lot of wounded sojers come in on de early train.
- 相关词组
- axis of projection射影轴;投影轴
- a bad applen. 坏蛋;
- avail oneself of利用;乘;趁;假;
- axis of abscissas横坐标轴;
- axis of gravity重力轴;
- avail ofv.利用;
- at this time of year在(一年的)这个时节里;
- at the word of command一声令下;一听到命令声
- axis of ordinates纵坐标轴;
- average annual rate of growth[法] 年平均增长率;
- hardly a day几乎没有一天
- audit of financial statements财务报表审计;
- aware of意识到,知道;
- axis of rotation转动轴;旋转轴;自转轴;
- axis of level水准漆;水准轴;水准管轴
- United States of American. 美国,美利坚合众国;
- axis of evil邪恶轴心国; 邪恶轴心; 险恶轴心; 邪恶轴心--布什用语; 险恶轴心国;
- axis of symmetry对称轴;
- average length of life平均寿命;
- axial moment of inertia轴向惯性矩;
- 今日热词
- 热门搜索
- loving you 爱你;[电影]深爱著你;
- wait for you 等你;
- power n.权力;能力;操纵力;职权;政权;体力;强国;实力;影响力;动力;能量;电力供应;幂;放大率;势力;v.驱动;快速前进;
- disability n.缺陷;残疾;无能力;残障福利金;
- loan n.贷款;借款;借出;v.借给;出借;
- photograph n.照片,相片;vt.& vi.为…拍照;拍照,摄影;成为拍照对象,在照片上显得;
- avenue n. 林荫路;大街;途径,手段;〈美〉(南北向)街道;
- presentation n.授予;提出…的方式;颁奖仪式;介绍;表演;胎儿产式;
- ubuntu n.班图精神,社团关爱精神(生活在集体中,大家必须分享物品并互相关心);网络操作系统;;乌班图;有奔头;乌邦图
- maybe adv.也许;可能;大概;
- attitude n.态度;看法;姿势;个人风格;
- nature communications 自然通讯;自然通信;自然沟通